If there is Mold in Your Filter, Everything is Going to Stink

I went to turn on my vacuum today, and all of a sudden, EVERYTHING smelled musty.  "That's weird,"  I thought to myself. Then, I realized.  I had placed the filter back in the vacuum while it was still a little damp.  It probably had mildewed.  Great

There is such a biblical truth to my lousy housekeeping.  If there is mold in your filter, everything is going to stink.  I think Jesus puts it a little more eloquently in Luke 6:45.  He says,  " A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

The words we speak come from an overflow of the heart.  I have sometimes said things and it wasn't until after I said the words, I realized how terrible they sounded.  However, the issue was not with the words themselves, but rather with my heart issue behind the words. 

The world is watching and listening to how Christians respond.  Therefore, it is vital that we continue to keep our minds focused on the things above, not on earthly things (Colossians 3:1-4) so that when we speak, our words will genuinely reflect Christ in us.  Because, I have learned, as smelly as moldy carpet is, it is not nearly as hard to clean up as harsh words spoken against another person!!! 


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