Remember When...

Over the last several days, I have enjoyed nothing more than enjoying watching my children simply be children.  As they grow older, I know these days of childhood are fleeting.  They still enjoy playing in the hose, exploring outdoors, and using their imagination. The live life unhindered by the worries of the day.

Not long ago, my parents found an old box of childhood memories.  In there, were drawings, doodles, and even writings I had crafted in my youth.  As I sifted through the pages, part of me longed for the simplicity of days past.  I used to hike down to a brook in the woods and sit for hours, watching the tadpoles swim and listening to the birds sing. I rode my bike in the neighborhood until suppertime, without a care in the world.

Jesus calls us to live freely and to live without anxiety as many of us did when we were children. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

In a time when many of us have been at home for a LONG time, we still do not feel rested.  Maybe it is because we still carry a burden upon us.  Rest means more than simply not moving.  I believe rest is finding wholeness of body and spirit.  My children are able to rest at night because they know that they are safe in their home.  They trust that their parents are taking care of them.  I struggle in my own pursuit of rest because I allow my own anxiety to dominate my thoughts.  I forget that God is in charge over my life.  I am His child.

Perhaps you have felt tired lately.  Tired of simply existing.  Maybe you have felt the longing of youthfulness.  I believe that it is still possible to experience the joy, freedom, and life we once claimed as a children.  When we passionately pursue Christ, and trust in Him completely, I think that He provides us with an even greater adventure than we could ever hope for.

I am committed to discovering that life for myself.  I hope that you will join the journey with me.

Seeking Him,


  1. Thank you Courtney. You make a difference.

  2. Courtney, I just discovered your blog today and have enjoyed reading through your diary of sorts. KEEP writing! The world and the church need to hear your voice. It's beautiful.

  3. Thank you for this wonderful message that has brought hope and trust more upon the Lord. The days we are living in need people like you because there is so much fear, dispair churches are no longer as strong in preaching gospelas to empower people because of the circumstances around us. May the good Lord continue to use you mightily so as to bring hope to the hopeless... Thank you very much. I have just found your blog today.

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  5. God bless you, Cortney. Many love from Nigeria

  6. Greetings Courtney. Your write up speaks enormously. It was a blessing to me. Especially why we still do not rest even when we spent days indoors or sleeping. Much love from Cameroon 🇨🇲

  7. Enjoyed your blog today. I, too, remember and long for those simple days of playing in the woods and not having a worry in the world. I think it's time for me to 'unplug' for awhile and not watch what 'the world' does so closely. This may permit me to have uninterrupted time with my Savior and enjoy all that He is apart from a fractured reality. I will keep following you!


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