My Bible Study with Mormons

Three weeks ago, two Mormon girls knocked on my door and asked if I would like to watch a video about Easter.  I agreed.  After the video, I invited them inside to warm themselves from the cold.  We sat down and talked about life and faith.  At the end of the conversation, I asked if I could pray for them.  Before they left, they asked if they could come back next week and read Scripture with me.  I had told them that I had studied the New Testament in seminary.

Last week, we read John 1 together.  We discussed how Jesus came to earth for the world in order to justify us for our sins.  I talked about the notions of truth, grace and freedom.  It was a wonderful time of fellowship.  The girls asked if they could come back the following week and discuss John 2.  I asked them if it would be ok if I made them lunch and they agreed.

Today we met for the third week.  This time, we had all studied John 2 beforehand.  We discussed Jesus' wedding at Cana and then the cleansing of the temple.  We shared a meal.  I talked to the girls about the historical context of the Scripture and the impact it had on the application of the passage.  As we were wrapping up our discussion, one of the girls paralleled the text to a passage in the Book of Mormon.

I am typically a very mellow individual.  Yet, I could feel myself tensing.  I could tell the missionaries were starting to evangelize.  They asked me if I had ever read the Book of Mormon.  I told them that I had read bits and pieces.  We discussed some of the "history" behind it.  They asked that I pray about reading it and spoke of how they knew it to be Heavenly Fathers revealed truth.  In love, I responded that I truly believed the Bible to be the complete revelation of Jesus Christ.  I discussed textual criticism and mentioned my doubt behind Joseph Smith and his golden plates.  At the end of the conversation, they asked if they could come back next week and discuss John 3.

As I reflect on today's conversation with the girls, my heart is saddened.  These precious girls have such a desire to know Christ and to make Him known, but are confused as to the truth of Him.  When they speak of Mormonism, I heard the indoctrination.

I desperately want these girls to experience true grace and freedom.  The easy road would be to end the relationship because their religion is different from my own.  But I believe God brought them to my doorstep for a reason.  He has given me a heart for them and He continues to allow them to come back each week to study His Word.

My prayer is that through the study of His Word, they may find life in Him.  I ask that you will pray for me.  Pray that God will give me words of wisdom, grace, and truth.  Pray that I may hold firm to the gospel and serve these girls in order that I may show them the difference Jesus has made in my life. 


  1. Would love to hear how this turned out! It's hard to know how to respond in situations like this; the only thing I know how to do is ask Him, 'cause I'm clueless LOL.

  2. As I read through this story, I see God operating in a gentle way through the longing of the two girls to know the living word on the pages of the Bible. May God through his wisdom fill their thirsty hearts with the waters from his word. May the word of God be open to them through the gift that's is in you through the power of the holy spirit. May his purpose for which He intended in the begining be accomplished in the next meeting.

  3. I rejoice with you that Jesus has allowed you to be healed. But please do not confuse His work with the work of the servants that He uses. Sickness and death entered the world because of Sin. The world is full of Sin and the world is broken because of Sin. That is why we need the Savior. Too many of us believe that the best thing that can ever happen to us, is that we would be healed. But if you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, then the best thing EVER is to be WITH Him. Because He has healed you, He has a purpose for your life. But God's purpose for our lives is the Great Commission. "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." Mark 16:15. If you truly know Jesus, please share the gospel and bring others to the feet of Jesus. And give GOD the glory (not doctors or herbs). To praise doctors and herbs is to praise the creation and not the Creator. God bless you and keep you. And may He richly use you for HIS purposes.



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