When Your Expectations Fall Short of Reality

Today, as I sit at my computer, I try to sort out God's plan for my life.  Easy right?  At 35, I thought I would be established in an area of Christian ministry.  I felt God's call on my life in 7th grade and went straight through college and on to seminary with that trajectory in mind.  Yet, currently, I hold no position. For complete transparency, I have yet to serve full-time capacity in ministry.  I have never doubted God's call on my life.  At times, I have certainly hesitated in my own abilities, but I have always known my life's purpose is to serve the Lord.

So, how have I handled my expectations not meeting my reality?  I sat down and prayed through this question.  Below is what God taught me:

1. My expectations are not my god. I know that for a time in my life I was so focused on ministry, I allowed my personal relationship with Christ to suffer.  Working for the Kingdom does not equate with a love relationship with the King.  My time away from ministry has helped me draw closer to God because I do not have to worry about the approval of others.  I have learned that my Heavenly Father simply wants my attention.

2. My journey is not over.  There are days when I feel that God is silent.  Yet, the more I read Scripture, the more I understand that God does not rush His plans.  His timing builds faithfulness and character.  It helps equip us for the work ahead.

3.  My focus is on obedience rather than occupation. Throughout Scripture, God commands the obedience of His people over all else.  When I am focused on a position rather than submission, I am often distracted to what God wants me to do.  This season of reflection has allowed me to re-center my focus.

As I wait and prepare for what the Lord has for me, here are three questions I ask myself.  I hope you can use them in your own walk as well.

Are my expectations surrendered to God's plan for my life?

Is there something that God wants me to learn in the waiting?

At the end of the day, have I been an obedient servant of the Lord?

:) Cortney


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