The Power of a Simple Walk

This morning, my dog Rusty and I went  for a walk around our neighborhood.  He loves these small adventures away from the backyard.  As we walked our loop, I inhaled the newness of spring and was reminded of how blessed I truly am.  I gloried in watching my pup point at the nearby squirrels.  I thanked my Creator for the changing of the seasons.  I allowed my spirit to simply be in the moment. 

I realized afterwards how I do not often make a practice of being still in the sense of allowing my soul to rest and take in what God has for me.  I approach Scripture as I do a workout at a gym.  I think to myself that it is time to dig in and get after it.  I do not approach it as a stroll with my dog, taking my time and allowing it to speak to my soul.  However, both are important.  Physically, gyms allow you to build up and gain strength.  Yet, strolls allow you to relieve stress and relax.  Perhaps there is a spiritual parallel.  Intense Bible studies are powerful for increasing our knowledge and faith, but there is also a place for meditating on God's Word. 

To me, Psalm 119:15-16 reflects best the balance of handling Scripture.  It states, "I will study your commandments and reflect on your ways.  I will delight in your decrees and not forget your word."

This morning, I was challenged to slow down and recognize how God might be at work even in the smallest of situations.  He was with me on my walk as I spoke with my neighbors.  He is with me as I continue throughout the day.  I do not have to stay busy for Him or accomplish any "greatness" for Him in order for God to teach me or for Him to find me acceptable.  I am His child and simply being is enough.


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