How to Live through a Storm

How to Live Through a Storm

As Irma continued to creep near, a weight bore through my soul.  From the current weather, no one would suspect a storm was brewing.  My twin sister resides on the bay in St. Petersburg.  While her family is safely nestled with my parents, most of their worldly goods lie vulnerable to the hurricane’s wrath.  A cyclone of such magnitude has not targeted the Tampa Bay area in almost one hundred years. 

It seems that recently, our world has suffered an increasing number of life storms, whether they be meteorological or metaphorical.  We clean up from one disaster only to turn on the news to learn of another.  How do we find hope in the storm?

This evening, God helped show me a glimmer of His grace.

My church decided to act and make cleaning kits for those affected by Irma.  I gathered my children and we discussed how many kits to make as a family.  I told them that each kit had a shipping fee of $1.50.  My ten-year-old son lit up at the price.  “That’s okay Mom,” he declared.  “I have my cruise money I can use for the buckets.  After all, the hurricane started at sea.  So, it makes sense that I use my cruise money to help clean up its mess.”  Our family is planning a cruise next summer and our kids have been doing chores to earn spending money.  Without reserve, my son gladly gave what he had to those in need.  That is the good news. 

As I tucked my daughter into bed, she prayed for those affected by the storm.  Her faith could move mountains.  As she prayed, my anxiety for my family withered. 

Jesus said, “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28).  These were not just words of comfort. They were a call to action.  Jesus’ yoke is easy for us because he provides for us, not only his Spirit to help us, but also our brothers and sisters in Christ to encourage us and build us up along the way.  The reason the Church is the Body of Christ is because this world is hard and we need each other.  Jesus’ greatest command to his disciples is that they love one another.  It is by their love for one another that the world will know that they are HIS disciples. 

Jesus has already overcome the world (John 16:33). He told the disciples this truth after he had delivered to them the worst possible news.  It is because of this truth that we as believers can face adversity and trials with joy rather than fear.  Each storm gives us an opportunity to show the world that we are different because we belong to Christ.

What is your current storm?  How can you use that storm to live the difference Jesus as made in your life?  If you are not currently living through a storm, how can you love someone who is facing a storm?

It is through believers that the world will be changed.


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